Unit testing


We use xUnit and its shared context feature. Our base project is in Testing/Unit/CommonTest.
It contains the DatabaseFixture class, that does several things:
  • read configuration files, register services (same principle as web application’s Startup)
  • expose ExtCore core components such as IStorage to test classes
  • expose Identity RoleManager and UserManager to test classes

In addition, to perform an EF migration, an implementation of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory has been provided, as CommonTest isn’t a console but library project.

The test projects use an identical database to the one web application uses, but empty.

How to setup a test project

When you want to create a migration, be sure that your test project adds references to these projects:

  • your extension’s entities project (YourExtension.Data.Entities)
  • your extension’s EF project where lives entities registrar and repositories implementations (YourExtension.Data.EntityFramework)

If you just want to use ExtCore’s repositories pattern to query DB, reference your extension’s repositories project YourExtension.Data.EntityFramework.

Running tests

  • Perform any necessary migration (at least from Testing/Unit/CommonTest, with dotnet ef database update).
  • If testing with VS Code IDE, we use dotnet-test-explorer extension with some configuration in .vscode/settings.json (workspace configuration file).