
The configuration is stored into appsettings.json file.
Only the following sections are read by Base:
  • Extensions
  • ConnectionStrings
  • Corporate
  • RestSeed
  • SignIn
  • LockoutUser
  • ValidateUser
  • PasswordStrategy
  • ConfigureApplicationCookie
  • Logging
  • Serilog

You can add others sections, but it’s up to you to read them.


By default, extensions ares stored into WebApplication/Extensions folder.
But you can change this if you need. If you make that, you must change the variables into the build script:
  • bp.bat for windows
  • for *nix system.

You have four variables :

  • netVersion: folder name defined by .NET Core TargetFramework tag into cs proj file.
  • ext_folder: extensions folder path.
  • dep_folder: dependencies folder path.
  • pub_folder: publish folder path.
:: set .NET output folder name (use .NET Core version defined into csproj files)
set netVersion="netcoreapp2.2"
:: Extensions folder
set ext_folder=".\WebApplication\Extensions\"
:: Dependencies folder
set dep_folder=".\WebApplication\bin\Debug\%netVersion%\"
:: Publish folder
set pub_folder=".\WebApplication\bin\Debug\%netVersion%\publish"


In this section, you can configure your database connection.
The file come with commented examples of connections strings.
"ConnectionStrings": {
    // Please use '/' for directory separator
    "Default": "Data Source=basedb.sqlite"
    // SqlServer
    //"Default": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Softinux;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=softinux;Password=?"
    // PostgreSql
    //"Default": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=softinux;Pooling=true;User ID=softinux;Password=?;"
    // localdb
    //"Default": "Data Source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=softinux;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"


Here you can set you Company name and logo.

"Corporate": {
  "Name": "SOFTINUX",
  "BrandLogo": "softinux_logo-bg-transparent.png"

The logo is to be place into : wwwroot\img


Here is the SECRET configuration for create first user.
The first user is the application administrator.
"RestSeed": {
  "UserName": "",
  "UserPassword": "",
  "Id": "",
  "Guid": ""
You need to set these values.
Id and Guid is used into REST api call to create admin user.


Is strongly recommended to remove the SeedDatabase.dll to avoid any attempt to create a new administrator. This can happen if you change the information in the configuration file and restart the application.

SignIn, LockoutUser, ValidateUser, PasswordStrategy, ConfigureApplicationCookie

These settings are used by ASP.NET Core Identity.


This is the standard .NET Core Logging configuration.


This is the Serilog nuGet package configuration. This allows to log to a file.