
Restore npm packages

After cloning Base repository, go to Barebone folder and run npm ci --save-dev command so that dependencies packages are installed and settings updated.


You must have Nodejs to restore web dependencies.

Restore nuGet packages

Restoring the nuGet packages is now an implicit command executed at application build so you don’t need to do it manually.

Update database with migration

Go to WebApplication folder and run dotnet ef database update.
This will create the database.
See appsettings.json (“ConnectionStrings:Default” section) for database path.
The Entity Framework database context is defined in web application’s Startup.cs (line with services_.AddDbContext<...).
We use Sqlite but you can change this easily.

Build the application

Go to the root folder and run bp.bat under Windows or under Linux/Macos. (use -h for help).


You must have .NET Core SDK to compile and build the application.

Configure the application

The application have some values to configure in appsettings.json file.
Theses values are stored into sections:
- Extensions : this is the path to find Extensions. Important : see extensions folder.
If you wish to change this path, read what changes to make.
- ConnectionStrings : the connection configuration to database. See connections strings to help you configure.
- Corporate : the name and logo for the application
- RestSeed : identification used to create admin user.

See configuration section for a full explanation.

Run the app


Remove the SeedDatabase.dll to avoid any attempt to create a new administrator. See RestSeed configuration section.

Go to WebApplication folder and type dotnet run.
(If you want, you can also execute from root solution folder with this command dotnet run --project WebApplication\WebApplication.csproj).

After that, the application is available on http://localhost:5000/

Note about Visual Studio 2017

If you launched application from Visual Studio, this port will change, being randomly defined, and value is stored in WebApplication/Properties/launchSettings.json
You can edit this value in Visual Studio: WebApplication’s properties > Debug tab > Web Server Settings/App URL or directly in launchSettings file.
After, the default port used by dotnet run is the port defined in WebApplication/Properties/launchSettings.json.

Note about Rider 2017.3

Rider 2017.3 cannot execute the PostBuildEvent declared into WebApplication.csproj
You need to execute ./ copyexts and ./ copydeps after building the solution or project.

Add the administrator user

With Postman (or the program of your choice) make a POST request to this url: http://localhost:5000/dev/seed/create-user
By command line:
  • curl: curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:5000/dev/seed/create-user -d {}
  • powershell: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:5000/dev/seed/create-user -Method POST

This will create the administrator user with general permissions.


Actually, we creating demo user. The first user is johndoe.

Login with demo user

user: or johndoe
password: 123_Password
(password is case sensitive)