New Extension with Base source

Use Base solution and add your extension code into it.

Add a new project

Using command-line (easy and cross-platform):

$ dotnet new classlib -o <your_new_project> -f netcoreapp2.2

Assuming Base’s Infrastructure framework version is 2.2. Check its .csproj file.

If you don’t specify framework version, it will default to netstandardxxx, which is not what we expect.

Add project reference to the solution

Go to solution folder and type:

$ dotnet sln add <path_to_your_new_project_csproj>

Write your code

In your new project, add a reference to Base’s Infrastructure and also Security.Common.
Then create a ExtensionMetadata class that implements Infrastructure.IExtensionMetadata.

Have a look at write your extensions, feel free to open issues for questions.